Prison Break

Prison Break: Season 1, Επεισόδιο 15

As Lincoln is about to be executed, he briefly sees his father in the viewing room. A phone call from judge Kessler delays the execution. After reviewing the newly surfaced evidence, the judge orders the exhumation of Steadman's body. Michael creates a new, more dangerous, break-out plan, involving going through the prison yard. An accident puts Michael's new plan in danger.

  • Paul Scheuring
themoviedb icon 8.0/10
IMDb: 8.3/10
  • Κυκλοφορία: 2005-08-29
  • Προβολές: 506259
  • Χώρα: US
  • Γλώσσα: English
  • Διάρκεια: 45
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