The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead: Season 3, Επεισόδιο 10

The group is preparing their next step. Rick goes in search of his lost friend and meanwhile, Daryl and Merle are wondering if they themselves made the right decisions. The governor of Woodbury tries to restore order in the town and is planning to punish the people responsible for the chaos.

  • Robert Kirkman
  • Tony Moore
  • Charlie Adlard
metacritic icon 8.1/10
themoviedb icon 8.1/10
IMDb: 8.5/10
  • Κυκλοφορία: 2010-10-31
  • Προβολές: 748658
  • Χώρα: US
  • Γλώσσα: English
  • Διάρκεια: 42
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