The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead: Season 1, Επεισόδιο 4

Rick, Glenn, T-Dog, and Daryl move on after their grisly discovery to retrieve the guns when they encounter a group of scavengers who narrowly beat them to the catch. However, Glenn is kidnapped in the scuffle, which leads to a tense stand-off and a surprising discovery. Meanwhile, back at camp, the group has to handle a serious situation when Jim begins acting unhinged.

  • Robert Kirkman
  • Tony Moore
  • Charlie Adlard
metacritic icon 8.1/10
themoviedb icon 8.1/10
IMDb: 8.5/10
  • Κυκλοφορία: 2010-10-31
  • Προβολές: 748731
  • Χώρα: US
  • Γλώσσα: English
  • Διάρκεια: 42
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